Awards and Awardees
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The Federation has a tiered system of awards that provide persons with recognition of their achievements (accomplishments) in various fields of speleology in Australia.
The Edie Smith Award was established in 1968 and is given for outstanding service to Australian Speleology over a long period of time. Also in this tier is the Fellowship of ASF, established in 1972, and given for outstanding service over long period of time to the Federation. The Certificate of Merit was added in 1983 and the Award of Distinction in 1993 to ensure that a wider range of speleological achievement was able to be celebrated.
General Information
The ASF awards are announced biennially, in conjunction with the Biennial Conference.
Nominations are made for an Award generally, not for a specific Award.
Specific contributions to the exploration, scientific study, conservation or documentation of caves, including the roles of leadership, administration, publication and the development of new techniques and equipment, notable contribution to speleology outside the normal parameters, recognition of excellence and outstanding achievement in karst and cave conservation, cave exploration, or cave science.
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