Special Interest Groups
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Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) allow members of ASF, who have a certain interest in common, to associate and communicate in a more detailed way than would be practicable amongst the total membership. The SIGs are simply groups of ASF members interested in a particular caving area or activity eg cave diving – they are not affiliated clubs, nor are they ASF “committees” of any sort.
The ASF regards the SIGs as a full and integral part of the ASF and they have maximum independence of their operation. However, there are various rules that a SIG must follow and they must have a constitution approved by the ASF Executive.
For more information contact the ASF General Secretary who can supply you with the rules and example SIG constitution or examine the information in the ASF Administration Handbook that is available from each corporate club executive.
Current Special Interest Groups
Cave Diving Group
Contact Rod OBrien
Additional information and CDG membership procedures can be obtained from the Cave Diving Group website.
Judbarra-Gregory Karst Group
Contact Phil Maynard .