Membership Information

Club Membership Categories

Join the ASF through a Corporate Member Club

  • Sign up with one of our Corporate Clubs in an area near you.
    Click here for a list of Clubs and contact details
  • Club membership includes ASF membership. All caving trips, training and access to equipment are organised through our Corporate Clubs.

Club Membership categories

Corporate Members

Organisations (clubs and Societies) which have at least one speleological objective, subscribe to the Federation’s aims and guidelines, meet the requirements in the by-laws for Corporate Membership, and are approved by the Council.

Provisional Members

Organisations which have at least one speleological objective, subscribe to the Federation’s aims and guidelines, meet the requirements in the by-laws for Provisional Membership, are approved by the Executive or Council, but have not yet attained Corporate Membership


  • Organisations which subscribe to the Federation’s aims and guidelines, but are not otherwise eligible to become a Corporate Member Club and which have some objectives which are similar to those of the Federation.
  • Associate status is not a form of ASF membership and organisations are not ‘affiliated’ with ASF.
  • Contact us to become an Associate of the ASF

Individual Membership

  • Individual Membership is intended for those such as academics or research fellows, etc, whose role does not fit the club structure.
  • To be an individual member, you need to put forward your reasons for this membership to the ASF Executive.
  • All cases are treated individually.
  • Contact us about being an individual member of the ASF

Friends of ASF

  • Friends of the ASF” serves to disseminate information about current speleological issues to the wider community, increase awareness of conservation campaigns, and promote our vision of being the peak caving body in Australia. 
  •  “Friends of the ASF” are not full ASF members so they may not attend club events or go caving as part of a club because ASF insurance is not part of this subscription
  • You can sign up by filling in the form at the link below.