Programs Funded
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Who can apply for project support and how?
Project applicants may be individuals of ASF Clubs, speleologists not affiliated with ASF, ASF member clubs or researchers associated with Institutions such as Universities.
Groups and individuals particularly those with ASF membership whose projects will contribute to the environmental objectives of ASF Inc. particularly ones which will contribute to the better understanding and management of caves and karst are encouraged to apply.
Please download the Project Application form
What projects has The ASF Karst Conservation Fund supported?
Timor Limestone Quarry Objection (2009-2011)
NHVSS objected to an application by Stoneco Ltd to construct a limestone quarry on the Timor limestone. This objection was heard in the NSW Land and Environment Court. The Court decision allowed mining to proceed, only after many prerequisite and conditions are satisfied. The court also imposed many additional restrictions and monitoring protocols, which were not considered in the original UHSC approval. Many of the court’s newly imposed conditions focused on the protection of Timor karst values and biodiversity covering the project site during the life of the mine.
For more information on the Timor case and court decision download the document
Timor Caves Study (2005)
The fund supported the study that resulted in the publication “Timor Caves Hunter Valley NSW” undertaken by the Newcastle and Hunter Valley Speleological Society Inc (NHVSS) in 2008. The book is available from NHVSS.
Wee Jasper Caves Gate (2008-9)
A gate was constructed and installed in the sand trap section of Dogleg Cave, Wee Jasper, NSW by the Canberra Speleological Society Inc assisted by other caving groups of ASF. This project was undertaken in 2009. Further information in
Updating the Surveys of Exit Cave Tasmania
Funding was provided to Southern Tasmanian Caverneers to support their re-survey of this cave in Tasmania over week-long expeditions.
Bouverie Cave, Wombeyan (2009)
Funding was provided to assist with repairs and speleothem cleaning of this restricted access cave which was necessary after damage from a rescue in the cave. See attached report:
Fossil Cave, Bungonia, paleontological sediment preservation (2011)
This project installed a bridge over a valuable sediment deposit to protect the deposit from caving damage. It was a joint project with the Bungonia National Park funding materials which were used to construct the bridge. The project was initiated by Highland Caving Group and the Canberra Speleological Society. See the report:
Honeycomb Cave Entrance Stabilization Project (2014) and stairway replacement at the lower entrance of Kubla Khan Cave. Members of Karstcare provided assistance with these works. Both of these sites are in Mole Creek National Park. This project was recently completed (September 2014). Report to appear soon. For more information download the report
Karst Conservation Fund Projects 2017 to present.
Nicholas White, ASF KCF Commission Chair and Director. March 2024
Below is a brief synopsis of projects since 2017.